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What to do in Ilhéus


Ilhéus is a city full of corners and charms... It is located in the south of Bahia. Known worldwide through the books of Jorge Amado, the place is very culturally rich and mixes colonial architecture with beautiful beaches. For those of you who come to spend time with us, take advantage of this time to get to know our city, follow our tips on incredible attractions and find out what to do in our beloved land of cocoa.

So we start with the beautiful beaches...


Millionaires Beach (Praia do Sul)

Located just seven kilometers from Ilhéus, in the South zone, Praia dos Milionários is one of the busiest in the municipality and got its name from the mansions of the coffee barons that existed on this stretch of coastline. Favorite among natives and tourists, the region offers a wide beach with fine sand and plenty of space for all kinds of fun!

Jardim Atlântico Beach Resort is located on Praia do Sul and has a structure with stalls and excellent snacks, but it is quieter and perfect for those looking for tranquility in the middle of nature.

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Pé de Serra Beach (Praia do Norte)

If you are looking for tranquility and like more reserved places, Praia do Pé de Serra will win your heart.

Located in the village of Serra Grande, the beach is semi deserted and has a low structure of kiosks and huts.

The forest surrounding the beach is well preserved and in some areas it joins the soft white sand of Praia do Pé de Serra.

The coastline is ideal for walking and watching the sea. Those who are fans of extreme sports can surf and paraglide.

Climbing the mountain it is possible to have a panoramic view of the waves hitting the rocks and the different colors of the water. Foot of the mountain

Cururupe Beach (Praia do Sul)

A little further from the center of Ilhéus, Praia Cururupe is wilder with strong waves and coarse sand.

Differentiated from the other beaches, this one in particular has a river that runs through it. That's right, river and sea together. A meeting of fresh and salt water.

Cururupe Beach is not often used for diving due to the strength of its waters, but it is one of the favorites among surfers and kayakers.

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Backdoor Beach (Praia do Sul )

The first beach in the Olivença district and one of the most beautiful on the Cocoa Coast, Back Door has a wild appearance and waves that attract the attention of surfers – it is no coincidence that it hosts important Bahian championships. To enjoy it, go at low tide, when it is full of natural pools of warm water. It is 18 kilometers from the Center of Ilhéus.


Discover the Cathedral of São Sebastião in Ilhéus

The São Sebastião Cathedral is, without a doubt, the symbol of the city of Ilhéus and one of the most important tourist attractions. Situated in a privileged location, tourists never fail to visit it and take away from the city a beautiful reminder of the grandeur of the church.

Opened in 1967, the imposing cathedral brings together detailed neoclassical details on its façade, such as artistic stained glass windows, vaults and columns. The size of the church is impressive - its main vault is 48 meters high - and the majestic exterior contrasts with the interior, which is quite discreet and simple.

Due to what it represents for local society and for the municipality’s tourist activity, the heritage has enormous cultural value.

Address: Praça Dom Eduardo Hebehol, s/n, Centro - Ilhéus, BA
Telephone: (73) 3231-7029

Note: Due to possible health restrictions, check that the place is open before visiting.


Photo: Tayrone


São Jorge Parish Church

The Igreja Matriz de São Jorge is the oldest Catholic church in Ilhéus, a municipality in the Brazilian state of Bahia, and was built in 1556, which is why it is one of the most important historical and architectural monuments in the municipality. It is located in the center of Ilhéus on the corner of Rua Conselheiro Dantas, a setting for stories told in Jorge Amado's books.

The church features colonial and primitive architecture, being one of the oldest in the country, it was built in the period of hereditary captaincies in honor of the city's Patron Saint, São Jorge, the image of São Jorge in the church is different from the São Jorge of the main religions African. The building houses the Museum of Sacred Art, founded in 1970, which has a collection of valuable baroque images, implements, objects for worship and sacred documents. In addition to pieces with historical value, old and rare.


Convent of Piedade

Whoever looks at Ilhéus and glimpses the high horizon, immediately notices the beauty that is the Instituto Nossa Senhora da Piedade, with its beautiful needlepoints pointing towards the sky, which indicate a search for and closeness to God.

The architectural complex of Piedade, a cultural symbol of Ilhéus, is a true masterpiece, similar to a castle. The work displays, on the main front, Gothic revival as the predominant style, characteristic of the beginning of the 20th century, although it combines the eclectic style in other buildings. Currently comprising a Convent, Chapel, Museum, preserved green area, private school, multi-sports gym and semi-Olympic swimming pool, the Nossa Senhora da Piedade Institute is a unique and sublime place, with a mystical and enchanting atmosphere. Construction began in 1916 and was designed by a French architect.

Text by: Anna Karenina

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Visita ao Bar Vesúvio

O Vesúvio é um bar que foi inaugurado em meados do início da década de 1910, por dois italianos que assim o nominaram em homenagem ao Monte Vesúvio, um vulcão localizado no golfo de Nápoles, Itália, responsável pela completa destruição da cidade de Pompéia há quase 2 mil anos. É um dos pontos turísticos mais frequentados da região cacaueira e um dos mais importantes para a cultura sul baiana. 

Um dos donos do bar foi um português de nome Figueiredo, marido de Felipa, apontada como uma das possíveis inspirações para o romance. O deguste do famoso quibe do Nacibe, personagem amadiano, é convidativo para os apreciadores de uma boa gastronomia e que gostam do sabor que tem a história e a literatura.

Dizem os antigos que o Bar Vesúvio possuía uma passagem secreta ligada ao Bataclan, outro ponto turístico, que entre 1926 e 1950 funcionou como bordel. Os coronéis, barões do cacau, os filhos de coronéis, letrados, jagunços, capatazes e ricos comerciantes, reuniam-se na vida boemia que o bar propiciava, onde decisões políticas e negócios como vendas de cacau, perfaziam as cenas cotidianas do local.

Atualmente o Vesúvio é um restaurante-bar muito bem frequentado em Ilhéus, com serviço e atendimentos diferenciados ao público.


Vesúvio Centro: Praça D. Eduardo, 190 – Centro, Ilhéus/BA - (Google Maps)

Telefone: (73) 99158-0008 (whatsapp)

Vesúvio Praia: Rod. Ilhéus | Olivença, 10 - São Francisco, Ilhéus/BA - (Google Maps)

Telefone: (73) 99158-0004 (whatsapp)

Obs: Por conta de possíveis restrições sanitárias, verifique se o local está em funcionamento antes de fazer uma visita.

Texto com a colaboração de Anna Karenina

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Cabaré Bataclan, from the soap opera “Gabriela”, by Jorge Amado
The Bataclan cabaret became famous for being an important setting in the book Gabriela, carnation and cinnamon, by Jorge Amado. The cocoa colonels went there looking for fun when they came from the farms to negotiate deals and sell cocoa.

From an architectural point of view, this building is not of great value. Its value is cultural and is directly linked to Amadiana’s work. It is one of the most popular places for tourists who want to visit it. It was in ruins for a long time and, at the end of the nineties, its facade was restored; it was rebuilt and transformed into a cultural space.

After reconstruction, carried out in partnership between the City Hall and Petrobrás, it was transformed into a cultural space, with a cafe, restaurant, exhibition space and a replica of Maria Machadão's room. Within two months of opening, it had already received more than eleven thousand visitors.

Address: Av. Dois de Julho, 77 - Centro, Ilhéus - BA / ( Google Maps )

Telephone: (73) 98832-0059 (Whatsapp)

Note: Due to possible health restrictions, check that the place is open before visiting.

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Visit to the Casa de Jorge Amado Museum
Casa de Cultura Jorge Amado is located on Rua Jorge Amado, in the city center. Founded on June 27, 1997, during the second administration of Mayor Jabes Ribeiro, the mansion was restored and today it has clothes, photos, history of his parents and childhood on display, as well as videos about the writer. The museum is part of the Circuito de Memória, a project developed by the Municipal Department of Culture (Secult), launched this April, and which brings together other spaces that tell the story around us.

The house where the writer spent part of his childhood and adolescence was built in a neoclassical style at the end of the 1920s, by his father, João Amado Faria. The mansion occupies an area of 600 square meters, with five meters high ceilings, rosewood floors and English tiles on the balcony.

According to the Secretary of Culture, Paulo Atto, Casa de Cultura Jorge Amado offers visitors the possibility of learning about the writer's experiences from childhood to adulthood. He explains that “the House was where Jorge Amado's literary life began”, and therefore considers it extremely important to preserve it as the city's historical heritage.

Opening hours - The Casa de Cultura Jorge Amado is open for visits from Monday to Friday, from 9am to 12pm and from 2pm to 6pm, and on Saturdays from 9am to 1pm. During the visit, which is entirely free, tourists and observers are guided and hear a description of the historical importance of each object displayed in the House.

Address: Rua Jorge Amado, 21 - Centro, Ilhéus - BA / ( Google Maps )

Telephone: (73) 3634-8986

Note: Due to possible health restrictions, check that the place is open before visiting.

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Passeio às Fazendas de Cacau em Ilhéus
As fazendas de cacau em Ilhéus e região oferecem visitas guiadas que apresentam todo o ciclo do fruto, desde sua plantação até os processos realizados após a colheita, fundamentais para a produção dos chocolates. Os tours costumam incluir degustações e ou refeições tipicamente baianas. As fazendas mais procuradas são Provisão, Yrerê e Primavera. Esta última foi cenário da novela Renascer e oferece ainda trilhas para caminhadas ecológicas, passeios de charrete ou a cavalo e visita a um pequeno museu que reúne objetos utilizados pelos artistas da novela e relíquias centenárias. Algumas fazem parte da Estrada do Chocolate.

Obs: Por conta de possíveis restrições sanitárias, verifique se o local está em funcionamento antes de fazer uma visita.

Fazenda Capela Velha

Como chegar: Acesso pela BR-415, Km 20 (Ilhéus-Itabuna)

Telefone: (73) 99903 0123 - 98822 0123 - visitas somente com agendamento prévio

Rede Social: Instagram (@fazendacapelavelha)

Fazenda Primavera 
Como chegar: Acesso pela BR-415, Km 20 (Ilhéus-Itabuna)
Telefone: (73)3613-7817 - visitas somente com agendamento prévio

Fazenda Yrerê 
Como chegar: Acesso pela BR-415, Km 11 (Ilhéus-Itabuna)
Telefone: (73)3656-5054 - visitas somente com agendamento prévio

Rede Social: Instagram (@fazendayrere)


Fazenda Provisão 
Como chegar: Rodovia Ilhéus-Uruçuca, Km 27 - Estrada do Chocolate
Telefone: (71) 99624-4647

Rede Social: Instagram (@fazendaprovisao)


Fazenda Riachuelo
Como chegar: Rodovia Ilhéus-Uruçuca, Km 20 - Estrada do Chocolate
Telefone: (71) 3022-4807 - visitas somente com agendamento prévio


Primavera Farm

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Provision Farm

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Fazenda Riachuelo

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Yrerê Farm

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Capela Velha Farm


Discover the Enchanted Lagoon
The view of the lagoon is impressive - it is 6.4km² surrounded by native forest in an Environmental Preservation Area (APA). 34 km from the center of Ilhéus (12 km on a dirt road), the lagoon is accessible through local tourism agencies that offer an itinerary including transfer, boat and meals.

A small village, Vila Lagoa Encantada, also offers boat and canoe trips. To see the entire length of the lagoon is to be "enchanted", you need to hire a boat (that crosses the vegetation that covers the water) to take you to the "end point" of the lagoon. There, two waterfalls flow, one facing the other. The idea is to dive into their encounter and take a relaxing natural shower. Schedule your return for the late afternoon - the sunset is spectacular!
Tours leaving from Ilhéus last four, six or eight hours. Everyone goes around the lake completely. The region also offers two marked trails, with beautiful scenery.

How to get there: Access via BA-001, towards Ilhéus. Entrance to the secondary road at Km 13 of BA-001.

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Cachoeira do Tijuípe

A Cachoeira do Tijuípe é uma das melhores cachoeiras próximas de Itacaré, ela fica localizada em Serra Grande que é distrito de Uruçuca. Fica a aproximadamente 22 km de Itacaré.

A cachoeira fica situada dentro de uma fazenda, por este motivo é necessário pagar para entrar. Apesar de possuir uma queda de apenas quatro metros, a cachoeira conta com uma infinidade de corredeiras e poços em seus 15 metros de largura, que garantem um mergulho refrescante em suas águas quentes.

Um ótimo local para banho, é um poço que fica logo abaixo da cachoeira, onde há cordas que ajuda o visitante a chegar embaixo da queda. Também há boias e salva-vidas para aqueles que não sabem nadar. Quem não quiser se arriscar pode se refrescar em um moinho de água que fica ao lado da cachoeira.

O acesso a Cachoeira de Tijuípe é pela rodovia BA-001, entre Itacaré e Serra Grande, até a entrada da cachoeira (lado direito), no KM 46. Não há estacionamento no local, o carro fica na beira da estrada.

Horário de Funcionamento: 9h às 17h

Contato: (73) 99995-1229


Sunset at Sapetinga

The sunset puts on a show every day in Ilhéus, but it is in summer that the sky draws attention with its special color. The yellow, orange and pink tones can be seen from various parts of the city, making the spectacle over the Santana River even more beautiful. That's why young people, adults, children and the elderly frequent the picturesque bay of Sapetinga, in Pontal, which has become a meeting point for nature lovers and sunbathing, as well as bringing together a group of people who play the guitar to create that special atmosphere. .

This combination of music, art and gastronomy has given more life to paradise and brought people like Renato Callefi and Raquel Bortoloti, a couple from São Paulo. “In this part of nature, the sea, rivers and lakes here in Ilhéus, everything is more beautiful,” he declared. Having lived in the neighborhood for just over six months, tattoo artist Raffa Lima and photographer Beatriz Vitória already exude love for the place. “This is our office and a perfect environment for inspiration, that’s why we sing this place”, they reveal.

The ritual of clapping for the sunset also takes place in many places in Brazil, such as Farol da Barra in Salvador, Arpoador and Praia de Ipanema, in Rio de Janeiro. The late afternoon at Sapetinga cove inspires. Whether it's a swim by the river, a boat trip, kayaking, stand up paddle or jet ski, what's really worth it is contemplating the landscape made up of mangroves. When the star appears in place, it's as if he's saying: “it's not goodbye, just see you later - who knows, maybe we'll see you tomorrow”.

Address: Av. Sapetinga, 659-623 - Pontal, Ilhéus - BA ( Google Maps )

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Jorge Amado Bridge

The Jorge Amado Bridge is a cable-stayed bridge located in the municipality of Ilhéus and is part of the BA-001 state highway, crossing Pontal Bay, connecting the center to the south of the city.

Its construction aimed to alleviate traffic in the central area of Ilhéus, which for years suffered from major congestion at peak times due to the existence of a single connection between the center and the south, via the Lomanto Junior Bridge. Furthermore, it also aims to promote local tourism. It is the first cable-stayed bridge in the state.

The bridge has a total length of 533 meters in a mixed structure, with 298 meters of cable-stayed section, with a structure supported by cables and the remaining 235 meters by reinforced concrete, a width of 25 meters with double lanes in both directions and has a cycle path and a Exclusive pedestrian lane. The work as a whole includes 2.2 kilometers of road access.


Credit: Hermes Polycarpo


Humpback whale watching

Whale watching in Bahia occurs in several locations on the coast, such as: Ilhéus, on the south coast of Bahia, but it is worth mentioning that other regions of the state are also marked by the appearance of these magnificent animals on some occasions, as well as at along the extreme south of Bahia, Itacaré, Morro de São Paulo and Praia do Forte.

Between July and October, it is the peak season for humpback whales on the coast of Bahia, where it is possible to observe them up close. However, the best months for this unforgettable trip to Ilhéus are between August and September, which is when the first babies of the season are born and you can watch them jump and perform a series of acrobatics in the water, alongside their mothers.

What is the tour like?

In Ilhéus, the tour is run by Ecosul Turismo , which has biologist guides to observe the species, in addition to explaining the marine fauna. It is done with groups of up to 6 people, and can be booked as an exclusive package (the entire boat for your family or friends) or as a shared package (mixed groups). It's about 3 hours of navigation, but expect 4 hours in total, including explanations given before boarding and viewing of photos and videos taken with a drone during departure (which you can purchase).

You can book, from June to October, directly on the Ecosul Turismo website or via WhatsApp: 73 9 9977-6437.

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Engenho River
It was founded from a division of Sesmarias from the Captaincy of São Jorge do Ilhéus in 1530, it was once a Sugar Mill, producing 10 thousand tons per year.

The 2nd oldest Rural Church in the country is located there, the Church is named after Senhora Sant'ana and São Joaquim, patron saints of the village, they were the Grandparents of Jesus, built in 1537.

The village is bathed by the Santana River, which provides 1/3 of the drinking water for the population of Ilhéus.

Today the historic town still maintains some features from the 16th century.

Its population of approximately 200 residents lives off fishing, crafts and its fantastic cuisine, in addition to the natural and ecological beauty, the Atlantic forest is everywhere.

It's worth knowing, access can be by river via boats that are always available, or by dirt road.

Visit to the Pedra de Ilhéus Marine Park

During the months of January and February, ocean waters approach the coast, providing the opportunity to enjoy the crystal clear waters within the Ilhéus Municipal Marine Park. This marine park, made up of three islands and two coral reefs, is a true marine oasis in Ilhéus, housing a wide diversity of fish and corals.

Designated as an environmental protection zone since 2006 and protected by a 2011 municipal decree that defines the areas and activities permitted during visits, the park is committed to the preservation of the grouper, an endangered giant fish and a significant symbol of nature conservation. in Brazil.

How the tour works:

In Ilhéus, Ecosul Turismo offers this tour, with biologist guides specialized in observing species and explaining marine fauna. Tours are carried out in groups of up to 6 people, and can be booked in exclusive packages (the entire vessel for your family or friends) or in shared packages (mixed groups). The total duration of the tour is approximately 3 hours, including explanations prior to boarding and disembarking. During the tour, a period of 1h30 to 2h is included anchored near the largest island in the park, surrounded by reefs and rocks with depths between 2 and 5 meters.

To preserve the park, Ecosul Turismo only offers floating and snorkeling activities. Climbing onto the islands is not permitted, as is stepping on the corals. The company also recommends the use of UV shirts to minimize the use of chemical sunscreen.

Reservations can be made directly on the Ecosul Turismo website or via WhatsApp: 73 99977-6437, available from June to October.

Where to stay

The Jardim Atlântico Resort , as it was initially called, since its foundation 28 years ago, was designed by architect Rui Cores under the guidance of its Swiss owner. The venture initially focused on foreign audiences, reaching its peak in the 90s.

Currently, already repositioned as a resort, Jardim Atlântico Beach Resort has excellent visibility in the national market serving leisure guests and also the corporate public given its excellent location and very comfortable environment.

At this point, it is important to remember that the owners continue to invest in the image of the resort as well as in the gastronomic segment, which adds considerable resources to the accommodation revenue. In this aspect, there are many social events that we cater for up to 500 people in addition to catering services (sale of coffee breaks for events held outside the hotel) for up to 2,000 people.

Located by the sea in a lush green area between the Atlantic Forest and the Sea, Jardim Atlântico Beach Resort has the privilege of hosting a huge diversity of birds characteristic of the beach region and the forest, which at dusk migrate to the coconut grove and the trees - some centuries old - located in the resort's area of more than 36,000 m². At dawn, we are treated to a symphony of birdsong returning to their natural habitat. A true spectacle of nature, simply unforgettable.

In this way, Jardim Atlântico Beach Resort is definitely consolidated in the local market, recovering the glamor of a property loved by everyone in the region.

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