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Jardim Atlântico Restaurant
Lounge Beach
Jardim Atlântico Beach Resort has a restaurant with varied and refined menus, from typical Brazilian cuisine to the most refined international cuisine, prepared by the region's great chefs. All food is selected in accordance with strict quality standards.
Check out our menu and come visit us!
Lounge Beach is a charming cabin on the seafront of our Resort. With a high quality service, direct service on the beach, security and comfort, it is your cabin with the luxury that fits in your budget.
O atendimento acolhedor do nosso resort é observado em todos os pontos – da hospedagem aos serviços, passando pela rica gastronomia servida no restaurante, na pizzaria e estendida à praia, em mesas, cadeiras e no redário dispostos de frente para o mar. Os serviços vão além de drinques e petiscos, permitindo que o hóspede saboreie refeições completas à beira-mar.
O lounge beach pé na areia e em meio à ampla área verde é ponto de encontro e palco para ações especiais. Com suporte de bar e cozinha, pode ser ambientado para diferentes ocasiões e é capaz de acomodar, inclusive, pista de dança e palcos para manifestações culturais como apresentações teatrais e shows musicais, entre outros.
food information,
half board or full board
The Jardim Atlântico Restaurant serves food a la carte, and, in high occupancy, you can choose to serve a full buffet for better service. In the buffet layout, a la carte will not be served.
For customers who subscribe to the FAP (full board: breakfast, lunch and dinner), the additional value per adult and per day for 2023 and 2024 is R$260.00. Policy for children aged 0 to 10 years: half the adult price is charged per child per day.
For customers who subscribe to MAP (half board: breakfast, lunch OR dinner), the additional amount per adult and per day for 2023 and 2024 is R$130.00. Policy for children aged 0 to 10 years: half the adult price is charged per child per day.
Upon check-in, adults and children will be given vouchers to be delivered to the Jardim Atlântico Restaurant.
The service will be buffet or a la carte.
A la carte composition: served once per person and per meal, dishes from the Jardim Atlântico Restaurant menu, including: a mini salad (with three types to choose from), an individual main dish and a dessert. When there is a buffet, the a la carte will be suspended.
To subscribe to dishes that serve more than one person, it will be necessary to present the same number of vouchers, and children will be served children's dishes or medium pizza, according to the menu.
Drinks are not included and will be charged according to consumption.
Prices subject to change without notice.
The value will be confirmed when requesting the inclusion of the service.
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